Friday 31 October 2014


Today is Halloween and I'm actually preparing myself for a lecture later today about The Politics of Mega Events and National Identities in Korea: The 1988 Seoul Olympics and the 2002 Korea/Japan World Cup so I'm not really feeling Halloween down to my bones today. 

Today I've picked a picture from the elevator at the International Dorm 2 at Ewha since the guy on this picture was one of the most entertaining things during the october month inside the elevator. Every time I came back from class it was in different positions and I did of course change the position until the elevator arrived at 9th floor. Koreans doesn't really have a huge tradition for celebrating the Halloween but in our dorms we had a lot of Halloween stuff (Because of the international students, I guess). 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Incheon Sky Festival 2013~

During my time in South Korea I went to a lot of concerts and Incheon Sky Festival was one of them. It was a free event for foreigners so I didn't hesitate to attend this festival of K-pop. A lot of K-pop groups performed for hours and even though our seats were far behind we loved the show so much! This is a picture taken during the concert and Nuest was on stage at the time as you can see.

I would definitely recommend you to look at free events (or paid) like these if you want to see as many K-pop groups as possible. KTO is really good at providing informations about cultural events like these so follow their Facebook-page if you want to get news about festivals and other cultural events.

I'm back~~~

After a couple of weeks without my computer I'm back now. It's been so long since I posted but my computer broke down so I had to get it fixed. I got it back after a couple of weeks and now I'm back to posting pictures from Korea and about Korea. I can also finally start editing my videos from the trip and post them here so you guys can watch the different journeys I've been through during my 354 days in South Korea.